Investing Excellence in Engineering and Technical Science

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2011 Scholarship Recipients

Maxine Shelly Turner Memorial Scholarship ($2,000)

Elise Welsh is a senior at Texas Tech University, Beta Alpha Chapter of A.O.E., majoring in Chemical Engineering. Six short years ago Elise never saw herself as an engineer but then was introduced to chemistry and calculus by two fabulous high school teachers her career path had changed forever. She finds thermodynamics, fluids, and heat transfer fascinating classes. Kristina Thompson writes "Elise is an enthusiastic, bright and industrious student, organization officer, and community supporter who thrives on challenges."

Freedom Scholarship ($1,000)

Ann Dietrich is a senior at University of Florida majoring in Aerospace Engineering. She is heavily involved in Society of Women Engineers in outreach programs for children and the community. Ann hopes "through peer mentoring and outreach programs to increase the diversity of thinking in the engineering world." Professor Rick Lind says "her commitment to the community is outstanding and well aligned with the ideals associated with your organization."

Thomas K. Kim Scholarship sponsored by Compix Media, Inc.($1,000)

Kelsi Middleton is a junior at University of Colorado - Boulder majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Kelsi was raised on a small farm and regularly helped her father fixing or replacing parts on the farming equipment. How things worked and seeing how parts went together sparked her interest in Mechanical engineering. She hopes to pursue a Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering and is interested in designing farm equipment that is more eco- friendly. Erik Groves writes "her dedication to high achievement that makes me confident that she will excel academically and professionally throughout her life."

Engineering and Technical Science Achievement Scholarship ($1,000)

Stephanie Burger is a sophomore at Northeastern University majoring in Civil Engineering. Stephanie's desire to pursue civil engineering was due to the impressive "Europe-Bridge" in the Austrian Alps that her family crossed over on family trips. In order to be successful she understands the need for a master's degree to pursue this field after graduation. Ms. Candace Martel writes "she wishes all students shared Stephanie's level of interest, motivation and enthusiasm... she stands in the forefront of her class and will clearly be one of our bright and shining stars."

Engineering and Technical Science Achievement Scholarship ($500)

Hazal Yaksel is a senior at Duke University majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Her passion for engineering comes from her understanding that concepts taught in one course will apply in other courses. Hazal is intrigued how her engineering knowledge is all encompassing and interdisciplinary. She would like to pursue a PhD in electrical engineering to push her intellect to the limit. Mr. Gary Ybarra recommends Hazal on her strong analytical ability, creative design ability, leadership, and excellent communication skills.

Walters Family Honorary Scholarship ($500)

Anna Koch is a junior at Oregon State University majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering. While Anna was growing up she followed her Dad to Sandia National Laboratories every year to 'Take Our Daughters to Work Day'. Her love for math and science was intrigued further as she saw engineers applying their knowledge on science fiction type projects. Matt Shuman "feels Anna has the aptitude, drive and attitude to succeed in college and afterwards in the professional workforce."

Herbert John Lathrop Engineering Scholarship ($500)

Hannah Henningsgaard is a senior at University of Maryland majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Hannah has been involved with Engineers Without Borders as a freshman. She believes she has the tools, the intelligence, and the passion to accomplish my goals and help make the community a better place after seeing what EWB can achieve. Dr. David Lovell quotes "I believe Hannah's energy for life, her diligence at applying herself to important projects, her capacity for technical work, and her genuine interest in improving the lives of the people she comes into contact with, that Hannah is a young person with enormous potential for success as an engineer."

George F. Thorp Engineering Scholarship ($500)

Jisun Jung is a sophomore at Cornell University majoring in Computer Science. Jisun interests lie in forensic science as well as computer science. Her ultimate goal is to become a software engineer that develops computer programs that can process data, like fingerprints, faster and more accurately. Mr. Miyako Hayakawa writes "Jisun is a rewarding student, eager to learn and polish her skills, and taking full advantage of the resources available to her."

Founders' Scholarship ($1,000)

Rosalie Wills is a junior at University of Maryland - College Park, Upsilon Chapter of A.O.E., majoring in Fire Protection Engineering. Rosalie has pursued numerous activities which promote women in STEM fields and mentors high school students and freshman as a positive role model. Dr. Paige Smith has recommended Rosalie as an advisor for Exploring Engineering (E2) and mentor for Women In Engineering program and writes "she easily negotiates the fine line between being a role model, mentor, instructor, and friend with participants."

Aimone-Brook Family Scholarship ($500)

Jennifer Dicks is a senior at University of Maryland - College Park, Upsilon Chapter of A.O.E., majoring in Civil Engineering. It wasn't until Jennifer starting staring at buildings and thinking of their structural capabilities almost everywhere that she realized civil engineering was a perfect match for me. Dr. Richard McCuen says "Jennifer has leadership potential, as she is intelligent, conscientious, and respectful."

Rings of Excellence Scholarship ($500)

Samantha Herold is a junior at Milwaukee School of Engineering, Delta Chapter of A.O.E., majoring in Biomedical Engineering. Samantha's love for the biomedical field came from the technology used to continue her grandfather's life in his later years. She wants to continue her education as a graduate student in the Perfusion program at MSOE. Dr. Katherine Wikoff says "Samantha exemplifies the type of service-oriented leadership that will be needed as engineering, science, and technology move forward into the 21st century."

Rings of Excellence Scholarship ($500)

Nellie Querns is a senior at University of Southern California, Epsilon Chapter of A.O.E., majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Nellie's father at a young age told her to seize every opportunity that comes your way. Nellie has lived those words in all aspects of her life and calls herself a renaissance woman who has broad intellectual interests in both the arts and sciences. Her dream is to work in the auto industry for Honda or live in Italy while working for Ferrari or Lamborghini. Ms. Monica De Los Santos says "I am impressed by Nellie's range of co-curricular activities (Alpha Omega Epsilon Sorority, USC Robotics Society, Society of Women Engineers, USC Catholic Center Choir) as most engineering students typically focus on one or two activities."

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