Investing Excellence in Engineering and Technical Science

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2016 Scholarship Recipients

Maxine Shelly Turner Memorial Scholarship ($2,000)

Lynn Urbina is in her junior year studying mechanical engineering at the University of Pittsburgh. Beyond her studies, Lynn volunteers not only as a peer tutor but also as a mentor for FIRST Robotics. She participated in an all-girls FIRST Robotics team in high school, Girls of Steel Robotics, which inspired her to be an engineer. She now mentors her former team to both give back to a group who inspired her and to inspire other young women to join the STEM fields. Lynn is also working on forming a FIRST Robotics team through the university for underprivileged students. Beyond FIRST, Lynn also participates in both Formula SAE and the Society of Hispanic Engineers.

Lindsay M del Campo Scholarship ($1,500)

Emelia Conte is in her junior year studying chemical engineering at Pennsylvania State University. She realized in high school that she wanted to be an engineer after taking a class on technology education. During her senior year of high school, she worked at Magee Women's Hospital designing lentiviral plasmids that were used in breast cancer research. Currently Emelia is working on creating functional photovoltaics. Describing this project, Emilia said "we created a unique, impactful project with the potential to change lives" and that "this kind of work is the legacy I want to leave behind." Beyond her studies, Emelia also participates in the Society of Women Engineers. Being involved in SWE gives her the ability to motivate other female engineers to pursue engineering wholeheartedly and to feel comfortable to pursue their dreams.

Freedom Scholarship ($1,000)

Madeleine Burrell is a junior at University of Tennessee-Knoxville where she is studying nuclear engineering. Within the nuclear community she aspires to be a diverse representative for community outreach programs. Madeline took the initiative to develop a speaker program, including herself and other young engineers, to talk to young high school and college students about the misconceptions of nuclear power. She believes that learning opportunities, like the speaker program, are a wonderful way to inspire women to join engineering and continue to diversify the profession. Beyond her studies and community involvement, she is a member of Society of Women Engineers, the American Nuclear Society and the National Society of Collegiate Scholars.

Engineering and Technical Science Achievement Scholarship ($500)

Kimberly Rogge-Obando is in her sophomore year at University of New Mexico where she is studying chemical Engineering. Kimberly said her interest in chemical engineering began after experiencing a personal health concern during high school. She was intrigued with the research behind treatment options and the process of creating medicine. Her studies are focused around pharmaceutical research and she would like to be involved in creating efficient medicines for rare illnesses. Kimberly wants to advocate for women to pursue engineering; she believes that by sharing her story and explaining what engineer's do that she will promote the future generation of women engineers.

Engineering and Technical Science Achievement Scholarship ($500)

Megan Hedges is a junior at Purdue University where she is studying electrical engineering. While working hard in the classroom, Megan also participates in Society of Women Engineers and Women in Engineering at Purdue. She became a mentor through the Women in Engineering program as a result of feeling out of place several times and decided she wanted to help freshman girls in engineering feel that there is a place for them in the engineering program. Megan also serves as the community service chair for Society of Women Engineers where she is gaining experience in organizing and leading events that attempt to help the community. Megan has interned at Delphi Electronics for the past two summers and is looking forward to a bright career in electrical engineering.

Walters Family Honorary Scholarship ($500)

Riana Hoagland is a sophomore at Massachusetts Institute of Technology where she is studying Chemical Biological Engineering. She currently works in a research position in a neurological lab at MIT and wants to pursue additional opportunities in applied thermodynamics. In high school, Riana helped create the dotDiva Club in order to create an environment where young women can explore computer programming in a female orientated environment. At MIT, Riana joined the executive board of CodeIt Club which teaches middle school girls computer programming. She takes pride in encouraging females in STEM and knowing that her mentoring and support will make a lasting difference. In the future, Riana hopes to earn a PhD in biochemical engineering and someday run her own biotechnology facility.

Herbert John Lathrop Engineering Scholarship ($500)

Lauren Henderson is a computer engineering student at Villanova where she is in her sophomore year. She feels that engineering combined her love of deductive reasoning and defining the world we live in, enabling her to "encapsulate the craziness of the universe". Lauren joined the Society of Women Engineers, Engineering Without Borders and NovaCANE to promote women in engineering. At Villanova Lauren was chosen to work on program to develop and improve a graphical user interface (GUI) for the college's Thermodynamic Analysis of Systems (VTAS). In the program, she works to edit and improve the GUI using MATLAB programming. VTAS is a liquid cooling system for data centers.

Kasem Pimanmas and Dr. Aye Thein Kyaw Scholarship ($500)

Veronika Sowers is bio-engineering student at University of Illinois where she is in her junior year. She developed a desire to be in the healthcare industry through her volunteer and medical design and research competition experiences. Veronika feels it is important for women in engineering to continue to encourage the younger generation of girls to get involved in STEM. For this reason, after graduation she wants to develop a program, through a college or university, for young girls interested in STEM. Beyond her studies, Veronika is involved in Alpha Omega Epsilon and the National Organization for Business and Engineering. After graduation, she would like to work in the biotechnology or pharmaceutical industry for several years and obtain a M.B.A. After obtaining a M.B.A she would like to pursue her passion for traveling and healthcare by working to develop low cost medical systems for people in developing countries.

Founders' Scholarship ($1,000)

Kyra Schmidt is in her sophomore year at California Polytechnic State University where she is studying biomedical engineering. Her interest in biomedical engineering was rooted in wanting to go into a career in which her actions would positively impact, and help improve the quality of, the lives of others. Kyra developed an interest in orthopedic engineering, rehabilitation techniques and permanent implants as an athlete who has personally struggled with injuries. Biomedical engineering combines Kyra's two passions, the sciences and devices designed to improve quality of life, into a career that can make the world a better place. Beyond her studies, Kyra is involved with the Society of Women Engineers, Astronomy Club and the Beta Iota Chapter of Alpha Omega Epsilon.

Rings of Excellence Scholarship ($500)

Laura Hrabar is a senior at Drexel University where she is working toward a dual BS/MS degree in environmental engineering. Her motivation to study environmental engineering was the desire to get more people access to clean and safe drinking water through the creation of better technology and growing the public understanding of the issue. As an active member of Alpha Omega Epsilon and the Society of Women Engineers, she works to promote women in engineering every day. She plans in the future to do educational outreach at the elementary and high school levels. At the elementary schools she would like to talk to girls who show an interest in math and science before becoming discouraged by others. At high schools, especially ones without an engineering curriculum, she would like to give students give students more information on engineering and how it might align with their goals.

Rings of Excellence Scholarship ($500)

Sara Legg is a sophomore aerospace engineering student at the University of Illinois. Sara is involved with Alpha Omega Epsilon, Society of Women Engineers and Women in Aerospace. This past year, Sara coordinated an event between female incoming freshmen and upper-class women to show what it's like to be a female engineer at University of Illinois as well as introduce them to Society of Women Engineers to show the support network that exists for female engineering students at the university. One of Sara goals for the future is to create a program similar to GE Aviation's Female Diversity Recruitment Leadership Summit, which she took part in as a freshman. After graduation, Sara would like to work at SpaceX and pursue an MBA.

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