Investing Excellence in Engineering and Technical Science

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2024 Scholarship Recipients

Founders' Scholarship ($2,500)

Sophie Russ is a 4th-year computer science student at Cal Poly SLO. As the Beta Iota's outreach officer, she organized a STEM day camp for local Girl Scouts, and planned community engagement activities. As an officer in the Society of Women Engineers and VP of the Security Education Club, Sophie is committed to empowering others and fostering equity in tech. Professionally, she has conducted research in security, education equity, and climate, and worked in IT and software engineering. Post-college, she hopes to build a career which leverages her skills in technology, to address her passions for social equity.

Maxine Shelly Turner Memorial Scholarship ($2,000)

Tia DeGiovanni is a 5th year student at West Virginia University, pursuing a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, and is a sister of the Beta Eta chapter. Since high school, she has had a passion for STEM outreach in her community thanks to her participation in FIRST Robotics. The opportunity to continue this outreach in college and support women in STEM is partly what led her to join the Alpha Omega Epsilon Chapter at her university. She organized and assisted in the planning of cost-free STEM activities at WVU for young women in local middle and high schools. In her spare time at school, you can find her working in the WVU Biometrics Research Lab, mentoring undergraduate students in critical engineering foundation courses, or volunteering at outreach events for the WVU Statler College of Engineering.

Freedom Scholarship ($1,000)

Adele Bosma is a Junior at Concord University in Athens West Virginia pursuing a B.S. in Computer Science. She was won numerous awards including State Qualifier for Texas UIL, TASP All State Academics, Texas Library Assoc. 1st in State for Website/App design, and Naval Horizons STEM Challenge winner. She has participated in two Department of Defense research internships including JSTI-West working with scientists at the Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Army Education Outreach Program at the University of Texas at Arlington.

Rings of Excellence Scholarship ($1,000)

Ariana Steinbrueck is a 3rd year student at Clemson University studying to receive a BS in Biomedical Engineering with a concentration in Electrical Engineering. She is a sister of the Xi chapter. Along with her studies, she works in Dr. Melvin's Microlab through Clemson's Creative Inquiry program researching drug resistance in breast cancer due to collagen expression. Ariana is a member of the Pickleball Club, Clemson Dancers, Surf Club, and Sailing Club. She belongs to Alpha Lambda Delta Honors Society. She actively promotes women in STEM through her participation in outreach and educational programs. Ariana has earned President's List honors in her first two years of undergraduate studies. Over the summer, she will be working for Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute (ARMI) developing educational programs and curricula to promote biofabrication careers.

Rings of Excellence Scholarship ($1,000)

Brittany Hoffman is a 3rd year student at Virginia Tech, pursuing a double major in Aerospace Engineering and Spanish with a minor in Naval Engineering. She is a sister of the Rho Chapter and is also a leader of Dean's Team (College of Engineering recruitment team), an ambassador for her department, and a member of the Virginia Tech Marching Band, SWE, SWASE, and SFTE. Brittany has always enjoyed learning and knew she would pursue engineering, but was unsure of her specific field of interest until she started working on her pilot's license, which inspired her to choose aerospace engineering. She has had an interest in Spanish for many years and is continuing to increase her fluency, and has discovered an interest in naval architecture/engineering through her classes at Virginia Tech. Brittany has also recently been selected as a member of the Defense Civilian Training Corps (DCTC), which will provide her with an internship and employment with the Department of Defense following graduation.

Engineering and Technical Science Achievement Scholarship ($1,000)

Serena Osuagwu is an international student from Abuja Nigeria. She is a Computer Science Major with a Mathematics and psychology minor at Drexel University. She is an active member of the A.O.E. Beta Mu Chapter and an outreach chair for the Society of Women Engineers. She is a huge advocate for mentorship and is both a high school mentor at SWE and a peer Mentor at the College of Computing and Informatics at Drexel.

Engineering and Technical Science Achievement Scholarship ($1,000)

Emalee Mann is a rising Sophomore pursuing a BS degree in Bioengineering from Clemson University Honors College. From a young age, she has possessed an intrinsic hunger for knowledge and a desire to help others in her rural community, goals she plans to pursue through research in bioengineering. She is currently a member of the Alpha Omega Epsilon Xi Chapter, the Vice President of the Clemson University chapter of the Residence Hall Association, Events Coordinator of MEDLIFE, Senator in the Health and Human Services Committee of Undergraduate Senate, Ambassador for the Honors College, Call Me Doctor ESTEEMED Scholar, Call Me Doctor ESTEEMED Mentor, PEER and WISE Counselor, and undergraduate researcher in the Nanobiotechnology Lab. Through her experiences in various campus organizations and continued work with community service, Emalee has found ways to serve her immediate community and beyond. Emalee wants to continue this pattern of service as she becomes an MD-PhD so that she can make a difference in the lives of others, especially those in rural areas where access to equitable healthcare and availability of biomedical innovation is limited.

Catherine Stone Leadership Scholarship ($1000)

Anu Nair is a second year student pursuing a BS in Biology with a minor in Chemistry at Virginia Commonwealth University, through the Guaranteed Medical School Admission Program. A Girl Scout Gold Awardee and Technovation Girls Ambassador, Anu recognizes the importance of creating a society that is made of all, and works to serve all. Inspired by her mother's strength and resilience in her career as a nurse, Anu desires to pursue a career as a physician. This is a dream that was realized for her, when she was accepted to medical school at 17.

Diversity Scholarship ($500)

Jasmine Wongphatarakul is a second-year studying Computer Science and Linguistics at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She is passionate about utilizing code to build technologies for social impact and increasing the representation of women in tech. Her interests include software engineering, artificial intelligence, and emerging technologies. Her passion for computer science stemmed from a summer coding camp and community known as Kode With Klossy. She serves as an Instructor Assistant at Kode With Klossy, teaching students the fundamentals of Data Science and empowering them to pursue a career in tech. On campus, she is involved in many organizations such as LA Blueprint, Daily Bruin, and the Society of Women Engineers. She hopes to become a changemaker in the field and develop technology that is representative of all identities.

Walters Family Honorary Scholarship ($500)

Glorián M. Serrano Ortiz is pursuing a B.S. in Computer Engineering at the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Campus. Glorián is passionate about cybersecurity, which led her to co-found and serve as president of Pink Pandas UPRM Women in Cybersecurity Association. Upon graduation, Glorián envisions herself working towards making cyberspace safer. She was a project manager for a research project focused on securing IoT devices and has also been involved in a research project focused on malware analysis. Glorián looks forward to inspiring other women to pursue STEM careers and contribute to the security of our nation.

Herbert John Lathrop Engineering Scholarship ($500)

Meredith Tiderington is a 2nd year student pursuing a BS in Electrical Engineering with a minor in Accounting at Purdue University. She has always loved math and the wonder of technology. After watching her grandfather struggle to learn to walk again as a result of a double below the knee amputation Meredith has decided to use her STEM discipline to create innovations for better prosthetic devices. Meredith is a leader in Delta Delta Delta sorority. She is involved in EPICS (Engineering Projects in Community Service), Women in Engineering, and volunteers with College Mentors for Kids.

Kasem Pimanmas Scholarship ($500)

Siena Maislin is a second-year student at the University of Rochester, majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering with a minor in Astronomy. She is actively involved in various campus activities, including the Baja SAE team, symphony orchestra, ultimate frisbee team, and Hillel. Siena aspires to become an astronautical engineer at NASA, where she will work on satellites, rockets, and rovers. In her free time, she enjoys reading, thrifting, and spending time with friends.

Make a Difference/Impact Scholarship ($500)

Aastha Oza is a 2nd year college student at the University of Tennessee Knoxville in the honors program. She is majoring in Biochemistry on the Pre-Med track along with minoring in Psychology and Spanish. She is involved in various organizations on campus like leading as Sergeant-At-Arms for the Undergraduate Senate, Social Media Director for Future Medical Leaders, and being a member of Remote Area Medical. She will serve as the Philanthropy Director of the Gamma Beta chapter this fall. Aastha is also an ambassador for the College of Arts and Sciences where she gives tours to prospective students, helping them find the right school. In addition, she works at a hospital and also volunteers at her local hospital. Aastha also works in a research lab on campus. Outside of school, Aastha loves to hike and run.

Vondenkamp Family Scholarship ($500)

Sophia Sweeney is a second year mechanical engineering major at the University of California Irvine. She aims to utilize her current studies to pursue a career in aeronautics, specifically focusing on the structure of planes. During her first year as an anteater, she was on the Flapping Wing Micro-Air Vehicle (FWMAV) senior design project, an active member in ASME at UCI, a barista at an on campus kiosk, and much more. This upcoming school year, she will be a team-lead for the FWMAV design project and Networking Events Chair for ASME at UCI. In addition, she has recently cofounded a social enterprise, STEMMe, that aims to provide engaging and accessible STEM project kits to kids in primary school. Through her career achievements and side commitments, she hopes to inspire the next generation of engineers!

Lindsay M del Campo Scholarship ($500)

Brooke Law is a 4th year student at Drexel University pursuing a BS in Data Science. From a young age Brooke has been fascinated with data collection and visualization. Starting in the 2nd where she conducted a simple survey asking teachers different questions she has had an interest in uncovering trends. Brooke has also found a real sense of community at Drexel in joining A.O.E. as well as Drexel's Black Student Union and Sanitation Health Aid Relief Project. All the named organizations have given Brooke a chance to grow as an individual in an academic, professional, and social capacity.

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